Brea Canyon High School is an accredited continuation high school through the Accrediting Commission for Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC) as well as a California Department of Education recognized model continuation high school (2016, 2019).
Our school went through the ACS WASC Focus on Learning (FOL) self-study process in the 2016-17 school year receiving our accreditation with a 6-year clear with a third-year 1-day visit in the 2019-20.
Please click on the documents below to view the Brea Canyon High School ACS WASC 2016-17 self-study report.
Our school went through the ACS WASC Focus on Learning (FOL) self-study process in the 2016-17 school year receiving our accreditation with a 6-year clear with a third-year 1-day visit in the 2019-20.
Please click on the documents below to view the Brea Canyon High School ACS WASC 2016-17 self-study report.